Week 3 – Sensing
Week 3 – Sensing
This week is about sensing. We seek to explore the existing landscape, to try to connect and make sense of it, so that it provides context for our projects. By exploring and sensing through complexity we will attempt to express ourselves collectively and individually to both suit the needs of learners as well as shape a better future thorugh our projects.
The education landscape
Andreas Schleicher is Director for Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris.
The OECD is best known for their PISA evaluation, international assessment, which started as a well-intentioned effort to provide an alternative benchmark for international education but ended up being a de facto ranking of national education systems. Dr. Schleicher is one of the most influential people in education these days, and, being responsible for the PISA evaluation, his voice is very much heard by education leaders worldwide.
The following video is an extract from his opening address at the Global Education & Skills Forum 2017, which was held in Dubai.
This slide summarizes the way forward for education, and it comes from the person who leads the development of the most important international education benchmark in the world:

Please discuss. As usual, all answers are confidential.
To what extent do you see this transformation taking place?
Our personal preferences
Please complete the following survey so that we can determine teams for your innovation projects:
Please watch and explore as many of these videos and resources as you can. The objective is to provide as wide a context as possible regarding how we incorporate nature into our global projects and, more broadly, into our roles and influence in our schools.
Please discuss below:
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