Week 6 – Leadership
Week 6 – Leadership
The whole concept of leadership has evolved over the years, from a model that was primarily based on strength and performance to, thankfully, many other nuances that recognize the many personal and technical dimensions of leadership, and how each person can express himself or herself through the leadership role.
The Next Institute has worked for many years with hundreds of leaders worldwide and have recently redefined the Elements of Leadership to encompass a new and unique scenario and challenge, within an evolving landscape.
We invite you to click on the image below to explore the interactive site on Elements of Leadership and the content and context for them.
Please select the three elements that you think are most relevant to the field of education and write a couple of lines on how they apply to real life schools.
The Foundational Elements of Leadership
- Self-mastery [S]
- Resilience [Re]
- Mature Judgement [Mj]
- Future-making [Fm]
- Sense-making [Sm]
- Decision Making [Dm]
- Assessing Risk [Ar]
- Designing Action [Da]
- Political Intelligence [Pi]
- Developing Other Leaders [Di]
- Aligning People [Ap]
- Executing to Plan [Ep]
- Storytelling [St]
The Breaking Away Elements of Leadership
- Experimenting [Ei]
- Enterprising [Et]
- Collaborating [Co]
- Exploring [Ex]
- Adaptive Learning [Al]
- Suspending [Su]
- Translating [Tr]
- Imagining [Im]
- Influencing [In]
- Synthesizing [Sy]
The Leading the Field Elements of Leadership
- Patterning [Pa]
- Catalyzing [Ca]
- Creating [Cr]
- Emerging [Em]
- Paradox [Px]
As mentioned in our meeting, the next step involves choosing one idea to develop for our projects. This can be a completely new idea, an existing one or a combination of the ones already developed.
Based on the feedback received, please write your definitive idea and enter it in the form below. Please do that before the end of the day on Saturday / midday on Sunday in Australia, since we will be engaging in a second assignment before Tuesday.