Team Psychology
Development of a self assessment tool for teachers to evaluate their attitudes to students with diverse needs and implementation of strengths based collaboration to improve our approaches to differentiation.
Target Audience: Teachers
Objectives: The project is aiming to identify teachers’ attitudes and knowledge towards neurodiversity in order to identify bias and improve approaches in the classroom with students.
This objective can be achieved through the initial use of a self-assessment tool to measure bias and acceptance of neurodiversity and willingness to adapt attitudes and approaches towards neurodiversity.
Whilst there are a number of surveys available, there are not a lot of self-assessment tools for teachers to utilise to evaluate their own attitudes and behaviours.
Moving from a deficit-based model for evaluating students to a strength-based model. In order to fully achieve this teachers must have a full understanding of neurodiversity and their own attitudes and values. Self-reflection and self-awareness are key. How can teachers view the students differently? In a teacher workshop work with teachers to create a strengths-based summary of each student as they begin the planning process.
Detailed Description
To begin – Design self-assessment tool based on combined research of available surveys (neurodiversity) include 5 domains of wellbeing.
The three of us complete the self-assessment tool to trial effectiveness
Aim – to have teachers complete self-assessment tool to determine own attitudes, knowledge, values and bias towards students with neurodiversity
Teachers to set goals based on outcomes of self-assessment
Teacher workshop – complete strengths-based summary for target students (focus on neurodiversity)
Implement strategies according to goals (research)
Repeat self-assessment tool at completion of implementation phase
General Feedback on the project Great idea. A benchmark for teachers to self assess, and to generate any pre-existing bias that could impede students performance in their classroom.
Really like the overall idea of a way to identify bias.
Allows for a more inclusive learning experience.
Growth of teachers at any level of education and experience.
Innovation Definitely innovative as it would fill a niche in the education system. self-assessment vs what is already out there.
Personalization Yes – the project is personalised as it assesses individual teachers. Self-assessment tool – private, non-threatening; allows for personal growth and self-reflection; personal goal setting with results. Making strengths-based summaries of each student to begin planning.
Global citizenship Yes – this idea achieves global citizenship as it addresses diversity and how students are part of global networks working together to achieve a common goal. identifying knowledge and bias surrounding the backgrounds of our students may be another possible outcome expanding inclusiveness for citizens of the world.
Holistic learning 5 domains of wellbeing included. Yes – as the project has the underlining goal of being able to provide teacher access to students individual mind body and spirit. a more educated educator provides space that supports diverse learners and helps them become their best selves.
Growth mindset and how the brain learns from mistakes Recognizing the teacher’s own biases and attitudes based on self-assessment, then being able to build goals around them. Excellent way of self awareness and to promote areas for self growth. Yes – as the goal of the project is to access and unlock each students strengths, which would require then teaching students more about how their brain works using growth mindset and neurodiversity. identifying our own gaps in knowledge is an opportunity for growth.
Modeling and celebrating mistakes You three completing the assessment first and building goals. This could be modelled on how to choose and set goals during a workshop. This may encourage teachers to choose deeper issues found and challenge themselves in growing, versus superficial goals which are easy to meet. Yes – this would be evident in the project.
New people and new experiences Teacher workshop may include teachers from various areas and interests Yes – I can clearly see how teachers and participants would be accessing new learning and new people.
Self-evaluation Yes. before and after self-assessment is great!
Students explaining and honoring their opinions Yes – this is clearly achievable.
Experiencing and being in nature Yes – perhaps if this was present for diverse students that experiencing and being part of nature was necessary for their learning experience.
Recycling, growing vegetables, animals Perhaps if this was identified as a need for particular students.
Embedding indigenous knowledge Yes – if student need required this.
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