The School of the Future
Story Patterns from Teaching in 2035
Practice Mindfulness 5 / Mental Health support 2 / Resilience / Empathy 2 / yoga
Spaces for Deeper Learning
Sustainable Gardens / Learning spaces / Maker space / outdoor connectivity / nature 3 / interactive learning spaces 2 / Collaborative workspaces / conferencing / comfortable armchairs / building your own learning space /
The Architecture of Learning
Project based learning / Passion based learning / multi-school constellation learning / Collaborative Learning / Self-Guided Learning / Real world experiences / No more standardized testing / Virtually /blended Learning 3 / Vocational pathways / Thought leaders / Mentors / community-based learning 2 / social enterprise Applied field research / Individualized learning 2 / “learning guide (as opposed to teacher) / feedback 4 /
Collaboration / Community based learning / Multiple Stakeholders /
Robotics 3 / Technology 3 / AI / Digital Divide / Programming / Virtual Reality 3 / Upload work for instant feedback / Hologram / Facial recognition / Augmented reality / notebook tablet/ interactive technologies / touch screens & voice activated devises /
Skills & Practices of the Future
Cross Curricular Competencies / Critical Thinking / Collaboration / Communication / social skills / culture / diversity /
Waste/ renewable energy / recycling / sustainability 2