The Design Process
1- Ideation
At this stage, we generate a series of ideas for our global projects, targeting the objectives and thematic areas that we have covered until now. This is more about quality, letting our creativity flow freely and exchanging thoughts and ideas.
Outcome: A list of ideas for our projects.
2- The Idea
Based on our futuring statement and rubric for a great project, teams will provide each other with feedback to help prioritize and choose the definitive idea for the project.
Outcome: One idea to develop into a project.
3- Discovery
After deciding on one idea, we want to find out as much as possible about the context of that idea so as to be as well informed as possible when developing it into a project. We will explore sources of information regarding, for example, background information on the topic, other similar initiatives, possible developments in the area, etc.
Outcome: A curated and annotated list of websites with background information on our idea.
4- Preliminary Design
In this first stage in the design process, we will come up with a schematic, draft description of what our project will do and entail, including, if possible, various possible approaches and outcomes for the project.
Outcome: An informal description, including sketches and schematics, if appropriate, for the project.
5- Design Iterations
During more than one instance, teams will provide feedback to each other on how well their respective projects meet the objectives outlined in the futuring statement as well as what makes a great project. Based on this feedback, teams will progressively improve their designs.
Outcome: Successive more detailed and specific descriptions of the project.
6- Prototype
A prototype is a bare-bones, minimal concept version of the project, to be tested by the intended audience. In our case, we will develop a one-page description of the project including all relevant diagrams and references. These prototypes will be evaluated by our communities of reference.
Outcome: A one-page prototype description, feedback survey to wider community and results.
7- Final Design
Incorporating the feedback received, we will develop a final version of our project. This will take the form of a simulated Amazon product page, in which we will include all specifications, descriptions, and diagrams as if it were an Amazon product that the intended audience would access to decide whether to sign up for the project or not.
Outcome: Amazon Product Page.
8- The Roadmap
The plan for development and implementation of the idea for the project. Intended timeline, deliverables, stages and work schemes.
Outcome: Development and Implementation Plan.