Week 8 – Advancing
We are ready to take a decisive step in the development of our projects. As we lead the way through our creative and enterprising efforts, we will also set out to explore some of the deeper issues associated with leadership. It is time to advance our work.
Teams and links to team documents
Reviewing Ideas
We will engage in the first of several feedback exercises across teams. The goal is always to help the other team better develop their ideas and projects with an objective analysis of how well they rate in terms of our futuring statement, great project rubric, and, to learn from and incorporate some of the ideas developed by the other team. This is a hallmark of communities of innovation.
Follow this process to provide feedback to other teams:
- Arrange to meet or exchange ideas with your team, via WhatsApp, Zoom, or any other mechanism.
- Go to the other teams document and find a table with the list of preliminary ADS and one column that reads “Futuring Statement” and another one “Great Project Rubric”
- For each of the ideas put forward by the other team write one short sentence (only one from your team), commenting on how well or not that idea addresses the statement and rubric respectively.
Please do this no later than this Friday, June 16 so that we can move on to the next stage in the project development process.
Choosing the idea for project development
Based on the feedback received by the other team, and your own discussions, choose one of the ideas that you originally wrote for your project development. Write that idea in the section on your team document.
Please choose and write your definitive idea before Monday, June 19.
Background research
Before we set out to fully develop your idea into a project, it is important that we learn as much as possible about the context, background and topics related to the idea so that our contribution is original and unique.
You will find sections within your document that refer to each of the following categories for which we should learn as much as possible before engaging in project development:
- General background. This includes any type of information that is relevant to learn more about the topic, including context, latest news and events related to the theme, and any other reference that can help the members learn as much as possible about the project topic.
- Other initiatives. We want to know what other similar projects exist that target the same or similar ideas to learn from their experience and attempt to produce our original contribution.
- Inspirational references. Look for other projects that inspire you, even if they are not in the same theme or topic, and learn from some of their best practices.
In the table that you will find in your document, the goal will be to find at least two websites for each of the categories above, include the URL, and briefly comment why you think they are relevant to your project.
What kind of a leader do you aspire to be?
You may have heard and read quite a bit about leadership, and there are many models and archetypes that explicitly or implicitly are presented to us by society.
Please watch the following very brief videos that provide fictional depictions of some leadership archetypes:
Now think of who you aspire to be as a leader. What percentage of each of these archetypes would you include in your ideal leader?
Please answer the following anonymous survey, allocating a percentage for each leader: