Week 3 – Sensing
Welcome to Week 3 – Sensing. We are gradually gaining awareness and adding tools to our toolkit, on our way to developing our ideas into real life projects. This week we connect with the natural world and explore some of the important issues related to the environment.
We invite you to open each of the three live cams below and spend as much time as you wish observing and contemplating. Try to focus your attention on this experience, closing, if possible, any other applications that may divert you from engaging fully.
Climate Change: The Hard Facts
Please watch the following very brief video that summarizes important information regarding climate change and the impact of international decisions regarding emissions:
How does your home country stand in terms of limiting emissions? Are there any laws or regulations that you are aware of? Has your country signed any of the international treaties for protection of the environment? Please reach out to other students from your country and gather relevant information to be shared at our meeting on Tuesday.
The Wood Wide Web: How trees secretly talk to each other
Your Personal Web of Connections
After watching the video:
- Edit the image below, or create a new similar using any image editing software that you are comfortable with (i.e Canva)
- Write words on the trees as well as on the branches and roots in the diagram as they reflect your own personal network.
- There are no right or wrong answers, so you may interpret each of the elements as appropriate for your network. The trees and branches can represent people, ideas, organizations, hobbies, likes, beliefs, as well as connecting experiences and shared interactions that make up the network.

We will be inviting whomever wants to share their screen on Tuesday and tell us about their web of connections, but this will remain optional. You do not have to submit your finished diagram.
The Octopus
Is technology the hero or the villain in this story? Please discuss in the space below.
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